We have been invited at the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (CBA) during our short residency at Istituto Italiano di Cultura Madrid for a panel that explored the relationships between sciences, arts and technology.
The panel was composed by:
- Marta Pelegrín, Prof. Dra. Arq. Cofundadora del estudio MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos https://www.mediomundo.es/es/inicio-3/
- Steven Hearn, fundador de Scintillo: https://www.groupe-sos.org/structure/scintillo/
- Oriana Persico y Salvatore Iaconesi, fundadores de HER https://he-r.it
- Pedro Cardim, profesor de Historia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa https://www.unl.pt/
- Mónica Bello, Directora Arts at CERN, Centro Europeo para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN). https://arts.cern/
- Antonia Blau, Directora Goethe-Institut https://www.goethe.de/ins/es/es/index.html